13 Feb 2022: Run Silent Run Deep
13 Feb 2022: Run Silent Run Deep
Today is Sunday and I look forward to starting my journey to get healthier. I have come to understand the meaning of true weight loss. I no longer have the time left in my life to keep this yoyo weight loss thing continuing. I am now in my sixth decade of life and because of my obesity, I am shortening the quality of the remaining time that I have left. Not philosophical bunk, not a depressive thought. It is just a fact. That is why I decided to lose weight.
Currently, I am on prescriptions like Metformin, Avastorvain, and even Sertraline for depression. My opinion is that the long-term effects of these pills overreach any long-term benefit. I believe that metformin merely slows the progression to needing insulin. If I just drop about 100 pounds my health will take a 180-degree turn for the better.
I just have to lose weight and for the life of me, I do not know why I struggle with this so much?
Getting Ready
As I sit here watching the movie (1958) Run Silent Run Deep I realized every single person in this movie has died since they filmed it. The journey, of life, we take is short and I want to be able to enjoy the remaining years I have. I am not gloom and doom about this. I say this with hope and enthusiasm in my heart. I am looking forward to my future and getting healthier because I want to live life to the fullest. That is the goal.
I know from my past success that weight loss is MUCH, MUCH more in the mind than in the belly. It is a process I need to repeat and I have to mentally prepare. If you laugh at this mental preparedness then you do not truly understand weight loss. You either never had a weight issue or are currently a yoyo dieter that is NOT at a healthy weight now. I am not hateful I just know that person because that person is me.
Today I have started the process of drinking more water. I rarely drink any and I know that water is essential to not just weight loss but to health. Yes, more water daily starting today. It is a process and I am in full preparation mode. Off I go….. one habit at a time.
D -16
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