Welcome Old Fat Marine!


I would like to welcome you to my little corner of the Internet.  I have been toying around with websites and stuff for years but I always had to move on for one reason or another.  When I launched this website I wanted it to be a labor of enjoyment to share the things in my life. Maybe there is a possibility to assist others within their life. Even after launching this website, it floundered for about 1 year. I lost my zest for life as that year fell off my calendar.

I served in The United States Marine Corps. It is a life that a civilian could not possibly understand. There is no comparison between being a Marine and a civilian. I have allowed myself to start the death spiral of needing medications. I gained weight and the rest is history. This journey is so much more than just trying to be better.

Hence here I sit and am tired of working so hard to chase a currency that is actually worth less than the fibers it is written on. It depresses me to the very core. I see our once great nation collapsing all around us. The decisions I see being made by our leaders appear like the crooks are grabbing whatever they can grab before the whole caper gets busted. KInd of like silver, and gold, and artwork in Europe around 1945. A person has to understand history to grasp that last statement. History clearly leads the way into the future.

I would like to have open discussions of all aspects old Marines have to deal with. Currently, I am focused on the collapse of the U.S. dollar and stacking silver. I do hope to get into metal casting soon.  Around the same time, I am looking to shed some weight. While the name Old Fat Marine is cute and funny… it is not a good thing to be this obese.

I quit following politics after a lifetime of interest. I have come to realize it does not really matter. The dollar is about to die and that is not good for many people all over the world. I do not want to be one of those people. I want to thrive.

I am more concerned with getting in shape physically as well as financially. I don’t want to have a heart attack and croak because I am so out of shape right now it is pathetic. I can either blame my age and whine or I can get busy. It is like we are about to witness the collapse of the U.S. Dollar. I do not say this out of gloom and doom. I say this as a chance to prosper from the chaos.

I am going to stop walking the high wire. Life needs to be taken one day at a time while planning for the future. I have become so disillusioned about it all that I left my J-O-B because the hamster wheel no longer interests me. It partially has to do with the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki. He also has a great YouTube Channel.

Learning about The Federal Reserve I have found it very easy to stay home and NOT get a J.O.B. (Rabit Hole Detour) I have been conditioned that going to work is what ‘I Do’. Staying home and doing this website has really played hard on my mental feelings. It is quite an adjustment that I hope to settle down to. I am always feeling guilty because I am not out making my employers a lot of currency.

This post will evolve as my life invariably does. I will write how I feel from the heart.

Right now my heart is buried deep in the history of silver and how it will impact my future. In the future, I will always be buying silver….

Right now I am going to focus on my health…… Health and wealth… I think they have something in common?

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver